"Dragonflies" lyrics now up!

I've tried a few times unsuccessfully to make out the lyrics to "Dragonflies" but gave it another shot with some new AI software to extract the vocal track from the song. There's still a few parts I couldn't make out so if you have any suggestions, please let us know in the forum.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://lifehousefans.net/blog/2022/04/dragonflies-lyrics-now-up/

Was just listening to Dragonflies for the first time in a minute and totally got one of the lines in the second verse. Have a listen and tell me if you hear “and we outgrew our dreams” – I think this is it!

You totally nailed it. Nice job! I just put it on and it’s clear as day now. Go figure! lol

Edit: Updated the lyrics on the main site

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Nice! I think the following line is “now we are nomads, we are alone” but not too sure of it… feels like something he’d write though haha.

One day hopefully we’ll get an acoustic version or something to answer these questions. I’ve come around on the song since it was first released – the ambiguity is somewhat endearing


I know it has been a while since this topic was visited, but I’ve been listening to Dragonflies a lot recently and I finally figured out something that sounds (at least somewhat) correct for a couple of lines. I’d love to hear a second opinion, or if anyone has any other ideas for what the unknown lyrics could be.

…And we stop listening
Sparks flared out of our life
And we outgrew our dreams…

I’m not sure, but “life” could also be “eyes” or maybe “lives”. I used an app called Moises to try to separate the vocals from the rest of the song, so that makes this line a bit easier to hear as “sparks flared out of our lives/eyes/life” but it is still really difficult to make out.

I agree with @robert, it does sound a lot like “now we are nomads…” I’m pretty sure that at the end of the word “nomads” and in the “sparks…” line, the lyrics are muffled to the point where “s” sounds are almost missing, so might be why it doesn’t quite sound like “nomads” is correct.

Also, I’ve been hearing “Meet me when the summer ends” instead of “long road”, and instead of “Fall in the silver lining” I’ve been hearing “rolled in the silver lining” or “lightning” (but “rolled” doesn’t really make much sense so it’s probably just my brain being weird)

Also, after the part about silver lining/lightning, it sounds like he’s saying:

safe from the phantom’s dreams

I’m not sure if that line makes the most sense, but it sounds at least somewhat accurate to me. “Dreams” could be something else, like “wings” or “streets”, it’s hard to tell, but I think it might be at least a little more accurate than the “sparks…” line.

What do you guys think about these transcriptions?

Hopefully Jason release the reworked version of Dragonflies soon, and this confusion can finally be put to bed :smile: I remember I was so shocked with the first few listen, but I now love the song.

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