Garden of the Sun (ØZ 7)

Long time all,
Yesterday Jason announced online the title for the seventh (!!) Øzwald record, ‘Garden of the Sun’. The album art is being designed by collage artist Inga Markstrom. No further information at this time… I like this title!

Absolutely wild that once this comes out, there will be as many Lifehouse albums as there are Øzwald albums. I’m much more into most of the Lifehouse stuff than I am into the duo stuff, but I must admit that I listen to my least-favourite LH records less than I listen to my favourite Øz albums. Curious to see where they take this.

They’ve also announced a double album, which will be a compilation of Beatles covers: ‘OZWALD Sings the Beatles, vol i & ii’. All the songs they’ve released so far will be included, as well as several new ones. Jason’s been into this stuff for over 20 years so it only makes sense that this is the platform by which tribute can be paid… I’d love to see an Elliott Smith cover album next :wink:

@robert +1 to all of that- especially some Elliott Smith tunes!

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That’s pretty crazy! I was just thinking about this last night in fact. They’ve got 6 records done so far which in a traditional release cycle is ~12 years worth of music.

Artificial Odyssey is easily my favorite ØZWALD record to date, though I’m not a huge fan of most of the others (Sweet Delirium was the only other I really enjoyed). I’m interested to see how Garden of the Sun stacks up with the rest of their discography.

The first Garden of the Sun single, and title track, is out now! What do you all think?

I think this is the first track we’ve heard from Øz with saxophone in it. It’s a pretty good track and even gives me a little “Into The Sun” vibe through the chorus.


It started like before
Seeing colors that I need to see
___ ___ ___ ___ anything you want
Thought I was standing but I was always on the run

We started out the same
Stayed up forever
Coming down
They only got us in the garden of the sun
Stayed up forever
Coming down
Watching the time run out

Uh uh oh
Uh uh oh

All the chances of the nights are gone
Before we get too far
Why’d you change your name?
It’s been forever and a day
We’re never going to the garden of the sun
Stayed up forever
Coming down
Watching the miles roll out

We started out the same
Stayed up forever
Coming down
They only got us in the garden of the sun
Stayed up forever
Coming down
Watching the time run

All the chances of the nights are gone
Before we get too far
Why’d you change your name?
It’s been forever and a day
We’re never going to the garden of the sun
Stayed up forever
Coming down
Watching the time run out

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Wowowowow – hi everyone and long time. I can’t believe it was over a year ago that they announced this but it is definitely something worth waiting for! They said this record took two years, compared to two weeks for Sweet Delirium. This must’ve been an earlier track for them.

I do think this is the first time an Oz song has used brass instruments, and only a handful of LH songs have in the past too (Yesterday’s Son and Hourglass are it?). Really love this tune. It feels like Øz is expanding their repertoire and growing what they do, which I think is exciting. Jason never rests on his laurels and only makes music when he’s growing as a musician, and this feels like no exception. So stoked for the album:))

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Also great lyric transcription – I’m quite sure that third line is ‘call it lucky, call it anything you want’!

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Good call, Robert! I hear that too now that you’ve pointed it out.

I love the bass line on this track. Can’t wait to hear the rest!

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They posted a live version on their Instagram. Sounds good! Wonder if they’ll release a full version of that. Or if there’s a different live version? Doubt that though

New single - Sunday, Someday released today. Another upbeat track. Didn’t catch me immediately like Garden of the Sun was, but after a few listens, it’s starting to grow on me.


Same here. I gave it a few listens but it never really stuck for me. Most OZ stuff was like that for me but eventually I’m in the right mood and it finds its place.

I’ve been listening to Sunday Someday very regularly the last few weeks - REALLY liking it. It’s grown quite a bit, just an over all great vibe. Excited for this record:)

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Garden of the Sun comes out Friday! Very excited for this project. The longest they’ve spent on one body of work by far!

Have anyone listened to this? I’ve give it a few listens and I can say it may be my most fav from them on top of Sweet Delirium and Head Movies. Honourable mention to Born In A State, album that I always go to when I’m in a focus mode.

Highlights from this album are Garden of the Sun, GLØW, Moon Dog (love how cheery and playful the tone is), After Dark and my fav of all - Wishful Thoughts. Wishful Thoughts might be top 5 ØZWALD songs for me.

I started a couple of times but had to hit pause and restarted later. Never got passed the first three songs I’ve already heard lol

Thanks for heads up @snowfist. Just listened to Wishful Thoughts, Moon Dog and Emerald Eyes.

Wishful Thoughts is absolutely amazing. This sounds like a Lifehouse track (especially lyrically), with that unique, fuzzy, warm Ø tone on top. Definitely my favorite of this record so far and easily in my top 5 as well.

Not a big fan of Moon Dog (yet). This definitely feels like more of a Steve track IMO. Musically, it’s not bad and sounds more 00’s alt rock once that rhythm guitar in the chorus kicks in.

Emerald Eyes is also another fantastic track. Vocals are nice and clear on this track. I love the sound on this. It’s clearly an Ø track but their sound has definitely evolved just enough on this record to define a new “era” of Ø IMO.

The wait was worth it!

Aside from this, Sweet Delirium, Young Suburban Minds and Artificial Odyssey are my favorite Ø records.

Lyrics are now up on their website Lyrics — ØZWALD.

Feel like Little Dream is about Steve’s kid. I also love the words to After Dark.

That’s great! I almost sat down and tried to write them all out. Still no Artificial Odyssey lyrics though :frowning:

Vinyl is finally out! 300 copies available.


Ordered mine! I got Young Suburban Minds and Ode to Silence as well (all on vinyl)


Nice! I’ve been tempted to order a second O2S LP just as a backup lol I truly love that record.

Did you pick up the SCF CD today? It was a bit much ($25 shipped) but a chance to help support the solo venture and get one of those golden tickets is worth it to me.